Tag Archives: bracelet

“Spider bracelet “

sofaYou will need:

4ply yarn in black,  2.5mm hook, 2.75mm double pointed needles,

some bright green yarn for eyes, 1 black button, toy stuffing


With a 2.5mm hook make 11 ch, 1tr into the third ch from the hook, work 8 tr, *make 3 ch, turn, 8 tr* repeat  from *to *15 more times (or till you are happy with the length of the bracelet.

Then  make a loop for the button like so: 4 sl st ( you are now in the middle of the row), 7 ch (depends on the size of  the button you are using) ,  1 sl st into the base of the chain. Make a chain about 24 cm(7,5 inch).

Now start making the body of the spider. Note that the body and bracelet are made in one piece.

Round 1: 6 dc into the second st from the hook. Just before last dc bring the chain forward. Join with a sl st.

 Round 2: 2dc in each st.

Round 3: *1 dc, 2 dc in next st* repeat to end of  round.

Round 4: *2dc, 2 dc in next st*

Round 5: *3 dc, 2 dc in next st*

Round 6: *4dc, 2 dc in next st*

Round 7: *5 dc, 2 dc in next st*

Round 8: *6 dc, 2 dc in next st*

Round 9″ : *7 dc., 2 dc in next st* (54st)

Round 10: 1 dc in each st

Round 11: work in dc, decreasing 6 sts evently in round by working 2 dc  together.  Continue to decrease as on this row untill 6sts left.

After 6 decreasing rounds stuff the body, continue decreasing adding more stuffing. Finish by pulling  the yarn through the last sts.

Using green yarn cross stitch the eyes.

Legs (make 8 i-cords):

Using 2.75mm double pointed needles cust on 3 sts, knit one row, *slide the stitches to the other end of the needle, knit 3 sts* repeat from *to* until the piece measures 8 cm (2.5 inch). Cast off.

 Using  the photos as a guide,  sew on  the  legs. Then shape the legs by folding them and stitching in place. Sew on the button. 

That’s it!

Knit Today winner


Please meet my “Spider bracelet”! It was my entry to the Halloween Madeira competition in issue 37. And just a few days ago I received my prize, that was a very nice surprise because I didn’t expect it at all!


vertThe prize is fabulous: metallic threads and yarns, useful utensils including thread cutter.

I’ll post the pattern later this week.